#Feb. 28 Anti-Bully Day: Wear Pinky, Stop Bullying!

        February 28th was the international Anti-Bullying Day. For the first time, NCPA National Honor Society (γκχ) held an event aiming to raise students’ awareness of anti-bullying.

Our treasurer, Frank Zhang, designed an anti-bullying pink T-shirt since pink is the official color of Anti-Bully. By selling this T-shirt to students and teachers in NCPA, we not only raised awareness, but also received funds that will be donated to a local school in Nansha.

γκχ official Anti-Bully T-shirt
                          Designer: Frank Zhang
The T-shirt delivery

Besides for that, we made educational posters and videos to inform fellow classmates about the importance of anti-bullying actions. We also mentioned that everyone has a right to resist bullying, whether you’re a victim or bystander.

Since we had an efficient promotion, students, and teachers responded actively on Anti-Bullying Day. The school also supports us to wear pink shirts during class time. One sophomore said:”I really appreciate this activity, it makes people realize that bully is never a trivial matter, it is strong enough to change a person’s life. Thank you for all your efforts. ”

Students in Women’s Choir are all in pink!

        As our slogan says, “Take a stand, lend a hand”, many hands make light work, resisting bullying needs everybody’s effort. Resisting bullying is more than not bullying others, it also means the understanding of how to protect yourselves and help others when facing bullying. Educators have the responsibility to help children and teenagers establish right values in their lives. Take a stand, lend a hand, NCPA, Anti-Bullying!


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