# March. 14: Pi Day

On March 14th, Gamma Kappa Chi held a Pi Day activity. With its pronunciation similar to “pie,” this activity entailed throwing pie to teachers who were voted the top 3 by fellow students and teachers.

NHS staff was counting the results

Gamma Kappa Chi took advantage of the voting process and tweak it into a fundraising project. Students/teachers voted by directing putting cash into each voting box. Voting started from Sunday night until we start pie-ing teachers. The top 3 voted teachers were Mr. Mathews, Mr. Yeung, and Mr. Elsen.

The TOP 3 teachers!
NHS “Official” Pies

Also, three students were randomly chosen to pie the teachers. “3, 2, 1!” Counting down, the three teachers’ face was slammed with whipped cream-laden trays (though we added cereals to make it more delicious)!


At 3:14 pm, they got pied.


One of the students was Pie-ing Mr. Mathews

This year’s Pi Day was special: one of the greatest scientists of all the mankind passed away. He is Stephen Hawking. We were not only enjoying the amusement of pie-ing teachers, but also commemorating Steven Hawking. Pi Day, a great day for the great people we admired.

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