Market Night is a traditional activity hold in NCPA every April. As a new organization in NCPA, NHS also attended this activity this year.
As the poster is shown above, NHS hosted a bottle flipping game. Four players each round, whoever ever get the most bottle standing after flipping in 1 minute can receive 10 RMB as a reward and enter the final run to earn 50 RMB!
At 4:30 pm, NHS members began to set our booth up. Then was just waiting for our players to come!
There are certainly a lot of talented players among students and teachers!
The champion of the whole night is Mr. Chen, our social study teacher assistant, he got 14 bottles standing in 1 minute. Looking forward to more activities later!
ps. Mr. Chen kindly gave the 50 RMB back to us as a recognization of everybody’s hard work.