其实只需要输入一个命令 打开终端; 输入以下命令 sudo xattr -d 此时不要直接回车,打开应用文件夹,直接将.app文件拖入终端中自动生成路径,随后按空格 重新打开App即可。 喜欢AirDrop盗版软件哈
Why this article is not in English?This is an article for new students to setup their computers. They can...
Fix Unworking Wi-Fi 修复连上了Wi-Fi却无法使用的问题
There are multiple cases of not having internet access despite having connected to the wifi after the recent macOS...
The Definitive Guide to Slow Internet 最全网络连接缓慢的解决指引
Original post by Mr Kelsey at 自远程教学计划实施以来,学生们就在这过程中所遇到的技术问题向学校技术部门提交了共188份反馈。在这些反馈中,其中有56份是反映在家中连接网络速度缓慢的问题。这方面占了总问题反馈数量的31%,比重较大。这是由于中国内地的网络对外网的连接性有限,因此造成了学生在家中使用网络连接课程网站时速度缓慢-从本质上来说,是中国国内与国外其他地方的网络连接发生了“交通堵塞”。 Since the beginning of virtual school, students have submitted at least 188...
Hiding desktop icons on macOS using terminal 用终端隐藏macOS的桌面图标
Sometimes when you are delivering a presentation or recording a screencast, you may not want your audience to see...
Tutorial | Syncing Files from Microsoft Teams Using OneDrive
This video tutorial walks you through how you can sync files from Microsoft Teams onto your computer with OneDrive,...