Gallery G9 – 2022


Identity Self-Portraits 自画像

Working from a photograph, students chose two opposite emotions to depict in their Digital Self Portrait. Then, using a digital software, they created expressive portraits using vibrant color, digital mark-making techniques, and incorporated an artist’s stylistic influence within the portrait. The result is a series of two portraits expressing unique pieces of their identity.  


Artist Videos 艺术家的视频

“You shouldn’t dream your film, you should make it!” – Steven Spielberg.  These Grade 9 Artists made their film dream a reality. Students selected a well-known artist to research as part of their “Identity” unit. They subsequently created an informative and entertaining video about their chosen individual.  Each video presentation is unique in style, and is both written and narrated by the student.   

“你不应该梦想你的电影,你应该去做!”“ —— 斯皮尔伯格。  这些九年级的艺术家让他们的电影梦想变成了现实。学生们选择了一位知名艺术家进行研究,作为他们“身份”单元的一部分。随后,他们制作了一个关于他们选择的人的信息丰富、有趣的视频。  每个视频演示都是独特的风格,并由学生书写和叙述。 

Fiona Liang

Kwan To

Wendy Huang

Ina gong Frida
