Graphic Design – 2022

Graphic Design

Hometown Poster 家乡海报

Students used Affinity Designer to combine their understanding of vector illustration, typography, hierarchy, and balance to make an original poster for their hometown or their place of residence. Students included iconic buildings, landscapes, food, or cultural events to express their location. The goal was to capture the essence of their home and use design skills to invite the audience to the location. 


Pop Art 波普艺术

Students refined their digital art skills within Affinity Photo by applying classic pop styles inspired by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, and Richard Hamilton to familiar landscapes or portraits. Students could use their photos or select images from stock photo sites. The goal was to apply bright colors, and create fun, vibrant compositions while improving their understanding of Affinity Photo. 

对于这个作业,学生们通过运用他们从经典的波普风格中得到的灵感,如 Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, Richard Hamilton ,熟悉他们的风景或肖像,提高他们的数字艺术技能。学生可以使用他们的照片,或者从图片库中选择图片。我们的目标是应用明亮的色彩,创造有趣的、充满活力的构图,同时提高他们对Affinity Photo的理解。 

Surreal Art 超现实主义绘画

These designs require students to combine multiple images to make a dreamlike or nonsensical image. Students have considered art movements such as Dada, Surrealism, and Pop art and are working on developing their own Avant Guarde style. Students are improving their ability to select, refine, combine images, and apply effects and adjustments. 
